Dutch Design Week diary #1

detail of an object from the [SAVE AS] graduation project at the Social Design Master Program by MAYA BEN DAVID, Design Academy Eindhoven
photo © WFW

watch the video here

[SAVE AS] is an online creative platform responding to global events as experienced via the World Wide Web. The [SAVE AS] process follows 5 steps:

  1. Capturing: when an event happens, people capture, broadcast and share  content on the web
  2. Editing: participants filter and select their favorite online sources and upload them  to save as source cloud. This cloud is an inspiring edited image which functions as a design brief
  3. Designing: participants design objects which embody their online experiences of the event. These objects are designed for 3D printing technology and uploaded as a digital file to save as platform
  4. Producing: the public can explore the objects and the source cloud online and print their chosen object using 3D printing technology
  5. Exhibiting: the uploaded objects will be also curated to form a collection. This collection will be printed and exhibited

→ a graduation project by MAYA BEN DAVID, Design Academy Eindhoven, on view at the Graduation Show until October 30, 2011

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