Dutch Design Week diary #4

exhibited at Designhuis
for the show Spring: excellence, talent and inspiration in Design, photo © WFW

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During his childhood in Afghanistan, MASSOUD HASSANI would make miniature models to be blown by the wind. Sometimes they would end up in a minefield, where he could not retrieve them. Now MASSOUD’s wind-powered creations are designed specifically for minefields. His wind-blown, wooden, bamboo-spiked ball decommissions land mines by blowing them up, and maps its path along the way: There are 30 million land mines in Afghanistan and 26 million people, so that’s more mines than people, MASSOUD says. Each deminer is to have a GPS tracking device linked to a website showing which areas have been cleared.

→ on view during the exhibition Spring: excellence, talent and inspiration in Design, curated by MIRIAM VAN DER LUBBE, which presents the work of fifteen renowned Dutch designers who all have their roots in Eindhoven. The show is running through December 31 at Designhuis, Eindhoven.

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