Jorinde Voigt

Horizon. Possible colors for the horizon; Position; cardinal point; external center I-VII. Berlin 2010. 61 x 46 cm. ink,  Tinte, oil chalk, pencil on paper

(XVI) Horizon. Possible colors for the horizon; Position; cardinal point; external center I-VII. Berlin 2010. 61 x 46 cm. ink,  Tinte, oil chalk, pencil on paper

(V) Horizon. Possible colors for the horizon; Position; cardinal point; external center I-VII. Berlin 2010. 61 x 46 cm. ink,  Tinte, oil chalk, pencil on paper

Horizon/Territory Ⅶ
Horizon; 12 (possible colors for the horizon); Position; Rotation; external center; cardinal point; continental border; Airport/ Territory; Now, Loop, Rotation
Stuttgart 2010. 26 cm x 36 cm. ink, oil chalk, pencil on paper

WV 2010-099. Airport-Study (Supersymmetrie)
Berlin 2010. 51 x 36 cm. ink, pencil on paper

Today I found a very nice portrait of JORINDE VOIGT by photographer HEJI SHIN. Intrigued, I made a research and I discovered her incredible works.

Berlin-based artist JORINDE VOIGT works methodically and with mathematical precision, filling the paper with pencil patterns drawn with broad gestures; arrows, figures, words and lines form a dynamic composition that seems almost to move and vibrate. Blurring the border between science and art, she analyzes the structures of diverse cultural patterns and natural phenomena. The resulting notations are an attempt at making the invisible visible.

As a starting point for her drawings, she sets various basic parameters (such as distance, speed, orientation, frequency, pop charts, genre)  from which compositions emerge and become representations of subjective thought processes. With incredible perfection and great patience, she produces these extremely complex systems which appear chaotic but are in fact defined by rhythm and order like musical scores.

My work is like music. You can enjoy it without being able to read the score.

2 commentaires pour “Jorinde Voigt”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Daniel McLaren, Paul Carr. Paul Carr said: Oh man, these drawings are great via @wefindwildness #art […]

  2. […] mentioned the work of Berlin-based artist JORINDE VOIGT before, and with two shows opening this month, the first at David Nolan Gallery in New York and the […]