Jeanne Susplugas

What is it that makes today’s people so different, so attractive?. 2003
c-prints (serie). 50 x 60 cm

Through media ranging from large scale installations to meticulously done drawings, the French artist JEANNE SUSPLUGAS explores the body gripped in the irresolvable tension of contradictory forces. She is fascinated by how society freezes and locks us in useless and brief desires. Across the prism of obsessions, both therapeutic and cosmetic, Susplugas thus explores the sphere of the intimate – its desires, uncertainties, and wounds.

In her works she often mimics and exposes in particular the visual characteristics of medicine packaging and pills. A large amount of the medicine available on the market today comes in colours that do not differ much from those of candy. In the art works of SUSPLUGAS this is mirrored through a playful and somewhat childlike visual expression that at the same time displays undercurrents of pressing danger. The balance between critique and aestheticism is an ongoing theme.

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