
Born in Germany, MOKI‘s work includes paintings, comics, drawings, street art, plush toys, sculptures, clothing, and even music and performance. However she primarily identifies as a painter.

Her paintings often depict lonely northern places  – frozen lakes, mossy caves, rocky tundra, secret clearings, quiet woods, rushing waterfalls, rolling hills, lonely mountains – and landscapes which are melancholy and evocative, almost anatomical forms:  “I am looking for places that are good for hiding, where you feel secure and safe, where you can disappear or return home. Where you can be invisible.

Thoughtful giants inhabit these lands and often wear parts of the landscape as their clothing. In addition to the giants, one also encounters strange furry creatures with inquisitive expressions, beakless birds with soulful eyes and enigmatic smiles, shadowy beings with fluid forms and melancholy faces who could just as easily be spirits as corporeal inhabitants of their surroundings.

Enter in MOKI‘s invented world, world in which the unnatural becomes the real, and the imagined becomes the standard.

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