It wasn’t SpY. A SpY no le pagan por hacer esto: SpY doesn’t get paid to do this
Some public actions lacking a clear commercial purpose may be percieved by the public in different ways. Some feel a romantic quality in the lack of self-interest. Others critizise them as something invasive, a viewpoint that incites a second thought about the flood of commercial images that shapes our landscape. more here

SpY is an street artist from Madrid. His first actions appeared in the middle eighties. Shortly after, already a national reference as a graffiti artist, he started to work with other forms of artistic communication in the street: large posters, modified billboards, interventions that were experimental in the first nineties.

His work consists in the playful reappropiation of urban elements, that he replicates or transforms and then installs in the street. All his production stems from the observation of the urban environmnet, a sense sharpened by years of experience as a graffiti artist. A careful attention for the context of each piece and a constructive and non-invasive attitude unmistakably characterize his actions.

SpY! Come to Basel!

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