Josh Keyes


The Call I. 30″x40″. acrylic on panel. 2008

Guardian I. 18″x24″. acrylic on panel. 2008

The Street #1. 12″x12″. acrylic on panel. 2007

The Call II. 30″x40″. acrylic on panel. 2009

This is all over the blogs since this morning (I’m sure) and I hate posting press releases that have clearly been blank emailed to about a million people but how could I not be interested for the work of JOSH KEYES.

“My work often contains a hybridization of concepts and imagery that express global concerns about ecological, political, and militarism issues. I try to create work that fuses my personal mythology and imagery with these concerns. The result is a continuous and evolving pattern of fragmented imagery that slowly unfolds and folds like a patchwork quilt. The work functions for me as a record of both my personal history and interpretation of events in the world.” – by Oakland-based artist JOSH KEYES.


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