Philippe Tempelman & Erik Annerborn

This video combines a music video with a fashion showcase. The music is by a Swedish artist named FRANZ EDVARD CEDRINS  (with the voice of God: JAMES ELY ) while the clothing was created by Swedish fashion designer ERIK ANNERBORN and combined they’ve got something really great going on…

ERIK ANNERBORN‘s work is a continuously ongoing exploration of how we can live and in which guise. For this project (exhibited at department store PUB in January 2010), he developped a sustainable fashion concept where movements replace clothes as a sign of the times. A way of shifting the question of ”how does she look?” to ”what does she do?”

Form of expression for the style and custom prevalent at the given time.
Spells are patterns of motion used to express belonging and identity.

This mysterious video was directed by PHILIPPE TEMPELMAN and KIAN ZUBICKY

Keep up the good work PHILIPPE!

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