Hanne Lippard. FOAM


exhibition view at LambdaLambdaLambda, 2016
photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


101 misspellings of Cappuccino USB, 2016
LED screen, text, 100×20 cm
photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


Café de Flore, 2016
mirror, vinyl print, 150×100 cm
photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


101 misspellings of Cappuccino mp3, 2016
digital audio, acoustic foam panels, automatic milk foamers, organic milk,

No Milk Today, 2016
digital audio file, 16’’ looped, LED sign, size variable, audio 4’10’’

photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


101 misspellings of Cappuccino mp3, 2016
digital audio, acoustic foam panels, automatic milk foamers, organic milk,

No Milk Today, 2016
digital audio file, 16’’ looped, LED sign, size variable, audio 4’10’’

photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


101 misspellings of Cappuccino mp3, 2016
digital audio, acoustic foam panels, automatic milk foamers, organic milk,

No Milk Today, 2016
digital audio file, 16’’ looped, LED sign, size variable, audio 4’10’’

photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


101 misspellings of Cappuccino mp3, 2016
digital audio, acoustic foam panels, automatic milk foamers, organic milk,

No Milk Today, 2016
digital audio file, 16’’ looped, LED sign, size variable, audio 4’10’’

photo credit: GEORG PETERMICHL, Courtesy LambdaLambdaLambda


The art venue LambdaLambdaLambda in Prishtina, Kosovo is currently presenting FOAM, a solo exhibition by HANNE LIPPARD. As with much of LIPPARD‘s works the core of this exhibition is an audio piece that is played in loop over a collection of objects and writings. Eventually this performance, this stage, this art show is accompanied by a text which seems to relay the installation.

Sorry I have to run

Part #1

We enter the shop and look straight at the woman serving coffee. We ask, DO YOU DO TO GO? She says, NO WE DO NOT DO TO GO, you must go somewhere else to have a TO GO. We say, WE ARE HERE, we can’t go somewhere else. WE HAVE NO TIME to go somewhere else we only have time to be here and TAKE A COFFEE TO GO to go some- where else, to the place that we are going. WE NEED A COFFEE BUT WE HAVE NO TIME TO GO ANYWHERE ELSE. She says, the only way TO GO is to buy the cup that the coffee is served in. HOW MUCH IS THE CUP, we ask. She says, It’s TWELVE EURO for the cup, plus THREE EURO for the coffee. We pay a total amount of thirty euro for two coffees in two ceramic cups and start walking towards where we should have been already long time ago. WE ARE ALREADY LATE, and so we rush down the street with each our cup and break our cups at the turn of the corner where we bump into a man holding two paper cups full of COFFEE TO GO. The street corner is now covered in pale brown milkfoam. All cups are empty, none are half-full. We all lick the corners clean and con- tinue walking to where we should have been ages ago. Finally we feel awake.

FOAM by HANNE LIPPARD is on view at LambdaLambdaLambda, Prishtina until December 3, 2016. Some of LIPPARD‘s audio performances are available via http://www.hannelippard.com

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