Julien Prévieux. What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2)

What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2), 2014
Vidéo HD/2K, 16’47”

courtesy the artist and Galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris

The video presented above, entitled What Shall We Do Next? (sequence #2) (2014), is the second part of a three-part work by French artist JULIEN PRÉVIEUX, which revolves around the interplay of technology and the human physical body as well as how extent technology influences our everyday movements and motor capabilities.

The first part consists of a video installation about hand gestures related to the way people use laptops, game consoles, and other electronic devices, all of which were patented by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office between 2006 and 2011. The gestures are removed from their context and function, and are rendered using a pair of grey, computer-generated hands.

For this piece – the second installment – PRÉVIEUX worked with a team of dancers using a sheet gesture based on the original gestural inventory and explores how our everyday technological movements have followed science fiction cinema.

The final piece of What Shall We Do Next? takes the form of a film created from the live performed versions of the two first videos.

What Shall We Do Next? (sequence #2) is part of the group exhibition Short Cuts currently presented at Centre PasquArt in Biel (Switzerland), a show which attempts to create a dialogue between two generations of artists who operate between art and technology (on view till June 14, 2015).

Un commentaire pour “Julien Prévieux. What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2)”

  1. […] What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2), 2014 Vidéo HD/2K, 16’47” courtesy the artist and Galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris – The video presented above, entitled What Shall We Do Next? (sequence #2) (2014), is the second part of a three-part work by French artist JULIEN PRÉVIEUX, which revolves around the interplay of technology and the human physical body as well as how […]See Original Article […]