Jim Goldberg. Postcard From America

Ryan, Tucson, AZ

Last year, Magnum photographer JIM GOLDBERG took part in a road trip throughout the American southwest along with five fellow Magnum photographers. From May 12 to May 26 2011, PAOLO PELLEGRIN, SUSAN MEISELAS, ALEC SOTH, MIKHAEL SUBOTZKY, JIM GOLDBERG and GINGER STRAND went from San Antonio (Texas) to Oakland, in California for a project entitled Postcards From America.

1750 miles.

By means of photographs, notes and collected objects, they documented their experience including solo investigations of topics such as gun culture or sex trafficking and improvised collaborations between the photographers. This experimental project is presented in a numbered box that includes a book, a selection of bumper stickers, a newspaper, two fold-outs, three cards, a poster and five zines (available here).

The second Postcards From America project is scheduled to begin this April in Rochester, New York. Stay tuned!

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