Jaakko Eino Kalevi. Poison

It’s fresh and it’s the best news ever: MIIKKA LOMMI from Kennel Helsinki directed a new video and as always, everything is perfect: the colors, the music, the atmosphere!

music by JAAKO EINO KALEVI (after my research I didn’t find a lot of information unless you can read Finnish) and clothes by Helsinki-based AINO VAINIO (collection I Know Why No)

The perfect way to wish you an E.X.C.E.L.L.E.N.T. weekend, isn’t it!

+ stay on WFW and watch MORE about MIIKKA LOMMI

2 commentaires pour “Jaakko Eino Kalevi. Poison”

  1. … delighted to find you

  2. thank you and stay tuned on WFW!

    kiss kiss kiss