Gilbert Garcin

Regard sur la peinture contemporaine. 2005. black and white print

Tracer sa route. 2006. black and white print

Simulacres. Vanite. 1998. black and white print

Simulacres. L’union. 2001. black and white print & Simulacres. Masque 3. 1999. black and white print

Géométrie conjugale (after Paul Klee). 2005. black and white print

GILBERT GARCIN is at the top of my list “personality I would like to meet”. I love his deadpan humour, his complicity with his wife Monique (often in his work) and his poetry.

From what remains of his son’s “mecano”, bit of strings and small stones, adhesive, scissors and his camera, he works out tiny models, for which he makes lightenings “to look more real”, and then he takes pictures, day after day, of the various scenes of his own small theatre. He almost always features a cut-out of himself in his black and white images – ‘”confronting the meanings and absurdities of the human condition in stark, dream-like landscapes and situations.”

J’ai, un jour, pris conscience que les situations que je ne vivrai pas, les rêves que je ne ferai pas sont innombrables.Il n’y a pas de raison à se résigner à cet état des choses.

Aussi, je confierai mon effigie à des artistes et je leur demanderai d’intégrer cette image dans leurs oeuvres pour que soit conservé le souvenir de cette vie imaginaire.


+ the good news: Rétrospéctive en quatre-vingts photographies. from 15-10-2009 to 21-11-2009 @ Galerie les filles du calvaire . 17, rue des Filles-du-calvaire. 75003 Paris

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