online with #6


MANUEL, Berlin, November 2016
Spread from MLADEN STILINOVIC, Key Words in International Trade, 1989, taken from
All of which is to say: leaning against other texts, thinking with other minds, letting another person’s writing (or art, or being) haunt you, inhabit you, inspire you, bother you, quite thoroughly, isn’t just a means of spurring one to produce thoughts or books. It’s also a wager about how deeply intertwined our consciousnesses may be. It is to wonder (as Henry James did, in his late novels), whether consciousness exists between us, in the air, rather than within individual minds. The wild and productive gambit of “leaning against” is that we’re not really leaning against others, but against a great throbbing consciousness, a soup of soul and mind in which we all share, even if that sharing is characterized by dissensus or a mirage of separateness rather than a blurry unity. – MAGGIE NELSON, excerpt from an interview with JESSA CRISPIN for Bookslut, July 2013, taken from

online with by FETTE SANS

Read more about this special project for we find wildness here.

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