Clément Rodzielski. Mille Yeux














all images:
exhibition views and details from the solo exhibition by CLEMENT RODZIELSKI Mille Yeux at Centre d’art contemporain – la synagogue de Delme , France
© wfw

For his solo exhibition at the Synagogue de Delme in France, CLEMENT RODZIELSKI presents a series of new works that seems to be filling void, taking over the space, and letting his minimal interventions do the hard work of defining themselves and the rooms they inhabit.

Created using materials from traditional sculpture or found in the everyday environment, RODZIELSKI’s objects and installations are characterized by their fragile, temporary and transitory nature. All the work featured in the exhibition are the result of an intuitive approach to the very white and luminous space of the former synagogue, treated as a place of perceptible manifestations in which the viewers are invited to wander around and create their own reading in an equally intuitive way.

CLEMENT RODZIELSKI surreptitiously scatters the exhibition space with a series of transparent stickers. So many surfaces that hold traces of the ground they were placed on, marked with the real, at its most prosaic and minor: dust, hair, fibres, grit, punctuating a few cut-out eyes in advertising images, eyes that reflect our own, as if in a mirror.

An imposing structure on the ground floor seems like an impenetrable block, but from upstairs it becomes a stage for a few simple, subtle gestures: drawings and objects show on the surface, at the centre of the structure. Viewers lean on their elbows while looking at them, in a waiting position.

Beyond this space just above the eyes, the artist displays several series of recent works created for the exhibition. Sculptures, paintings, objects and drawings blur the lines between interior and exterior spaces; objects and images are presented as inside-out skins, stripped surfaces… In one corner, a clay sculpture is covered by imprints of eyeglasses in a chain pattern, as if a machine body had literally come and eaten this shapeless mass of flesh with its blind eyes.*

Good news: the solo exhibition of CLEMENT RODZIELSKI entitled Mille Yeux is on view at Centre d’art contemporain – la Synagogue de Delme in France until June 15, 2014.

*from the press release

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