Frederic Post

Anonymous Engravings on Ecstasy Pills by FREDERIC POST
Design: IZET SHESHIVARI. Hardcover, 544 pp., offset 1/1, 154 x 232 mm
Edition of 500. ISBN 978-2-940409-02-0
Published by Boabooks

Like a modern-times archaeologist, Geneva-based artist FREDERIC POST hunted, collected and copied logos of Ecstasy pills during five years. Only interested in the visual dimension of these objects, he compiles his collection of drawings in a book entitled “Anonymous Engravings on Ecstasy Pills”, conferring thus value to an underground iconography of over 500 signs.

The classification of the drawings is divided into three groups (figure; referring to people or objects/ typography: letters and words/ symbols: abstract elements, geometrical forms) and was carried out with artist and designer IZET SHESHIVARI.

I am fascinated by this book, by the role of collector of the artist,”I have the feeling that objects acquire a more universal meaning once collected” and how his appropriation of these objects, gave them another meaning. I don’t forget to mention the entire design – the linen cover, the paper, the typography and the green sheet at the end – that I love!

Nowadays, with drug use, we want to experiment this unconstrained pleasure, disrupt the humdrum routine, make love longer; we want to party even though we are tired (…). At the end of the day, this is in line with the whole idea of work, profitability and performance”.

Around this concept, FREDERIC POST also developped an “Ecstasy Nacht” and necklaces made with moulds of ecstasy pills called “Ecstasy jewelry“. And good news: you can buy this book via


5 commentaires pour “Frederic Post”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Justin Windle, we find wildness. we find wildness said: ☞ WFW/ forms absorbed, figures eroded, it is a pleasure to see icons mishandled on ecstasy pills! […]

  2. […] [via wefindwildness] […]

  3. […] [via wefindwildness] […]

  4. […] que durante cinco años ha recopilado más de 500 signos para publicarlos posteriormente en este maravilloso libro, que seguro hará las delicias de todos los diseñadores de pastillas del […]

  5. […] art book of pressed pill ecstasy […]