Beni Bischof. LASERMagazine

special edition: MAKING OF…DUMM SCHAUEN UND KEKSE FRESSEN (Looking Dumb and Eating Cookies). photographic material from the exhibition at the Kunst Halle St.Gallen (Switzerland), August-Oktober 2010.
Edition: 160 pieces

Look what freshly arrived this morning: LASERMagazine!

The LASERMagazine is a selection of drawings, collages, photos. It’s published six times a year in the shape of a handmade “zine” (including posters or original drawings) by the Swiss artist BENI BISCHOF who has been earlier this year featured on WFW.

BISCHOF is best known for his lively and absurd cosmos he creates through the manipulation and modification of existing things. Besides music, literature and particularly TV programmes, gossip magazines, the knick-knacks of the consumer society and the most inexhaustible treasure trove, the internet, serve as inspiration and starting material for his penetratively funny and simultaneously slightly disturbing works.

In terms of content the young St. Gallen artist cannot be summed up under one heading despite a very visible interest in pop and underground. It is not surprising that BENI BISCHOF looks for alternative and efficient opportunities to distribute his work, such as LASERMagazine, which he sees as an art gallery.

A pure gem!

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