Margi Geerlinks

Gepetto II. 1999. Cibachrome, Plexiglas, Dibond. 49 x 70 inches (124 x 178 cm)

Gepetto I. 1999. Cibachrome, Plexiglas, Dibond. 49 x 70 inches (124 x 178 cm)

Pinocchio. 1999. Cibachrome, Plexiglas, Dibond. 49 x 70 inches (124 x 178 cm)

MARGI GEERLINKS‘s work is concerned with the ways the human species creates an identity for themselves, and the forces that seem to govern this process.

Being deeply physical, her art confronts us with the many things that literally mold our beings into shape. Taking the body as a canvas she tries to show both the current identity of the person photographed and the things that make her become someone else.

Dutch artist MARGI GEERLINKS born in 1970, studied Fine Arts in Amsterdam and Kampen and took part in a Masters Program at the Sandberg Institute.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Paul Carr, 死後彫刻. 死後彫刻 said: リアル人体アートの変化系。さいきん人体を異化させる作品が多い気がする。 WE FIND WILDNESS – Margi Geerlinks […]